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Переведите фразу!  He might have stuck for a time at that "inadvertently willed"



Он мог воткнуть в течение времени в, что "неумышленно willed

В то время (тогда) он мог убить непреднамеренно (неумышленно).
Вроде так. Но полностью не уверен.

дайте предложение в контексте. без него перевод превратится в гадание на кофейной гуще.

 He had removed his coat and boots, and was sitting on the bed with his hands in his pockets repeating the text of his defence for the seventeenth time, “I didn’t want the confounded thing to upset, ” when it occurred to him that at the precise moment he had said the commanding words he had inadvertently willed the thing he said, and that when he had seen the lamp in the air he had felt it depended on him to maintain it there without being clear how this was to be done. He had not a particularly complex mind, or he might have stuck for a time at that “inadvertently willed, ” embracing, as it does, the abstrusest problems of voluntary action; but as it was, the idea came to him with a quite acceptable haziness. And from that, following, as I must admit, no clear logical path, he came to the test of experiment.

 о ну в таком случае, Expat почти правильно перевел. человек сидел на кровати, повторял слова защиты - и возможно запнулся немного на фразе "подспудно желал".

"inadvertently willed" = "подспудно/неосознанно/скрыто желал"

Возможно он на время застрял в неумышленно...

Может быть:
Он возможно задержался (бы) на минуту на фразе "неумышленно намеренный"
